Easy Tips To Slim Your Waist

Published on 08/01/2019

Work your core with an exercise ball

Believe it or not there is no one single exercise that you can do that will be geared directly at slimming your waist. Instead you will need to attack your core while you are at the gym. This means that you need to do exercises that encourage instability and constant adjustments. Doing crunches on an exercise ball can be a great way to attack your core and slim your waist all at once. Simply use the ball for support, spread your legs shoulder width, and lay back on it. Commence with your crunches and notice how the good burn goes all through your abdominals.

Work your core with an exercise ball

Work your core with an exercise ball

Do high intensity cardio workouts

Every gym has a treadmill section and these are typically full of people trying to grind out a few pounds of weight loss. Some people will get on these bikes for hours at a time. That’s gotta be effective, right? Well, not exactly. Research shows that you are better off doing short bursts of high intensity cardio rather than prolonged, slower, sessions. Instead of sitting down for an hour of biking you should break up the session into 3x 20 minute rides. Each ride should consist of your maximum effort in order to increase your heart rate, burn more calories, and slim yourself down.

Do high intensity cardio workouts

Do high intensity cardio workouts