The Top Ways To Exercise With Your Pup

Published on 08/06/2019

If you have an active pup, and you’re looking to get into shape…you’re in luck! Dogs, especially puppies, have a lot of energy, and are therefore the perfect companion when it comes to being active. Some dog owners don’t even realize the amount of activities you can do with your furry friend, so we’re here to help those unsure dog mom and dads. Below, you will find a comprehensive list of the best exercises to do with your dog…you and Fido have no excuses now!

The Top Ways To Exercise With Your Pup

Go For A Hike

Hikes are a great exercise for both man and dog. The uneven ground and presence of rocks and sticks will present challenges, inhibiting your brain and your pups’. Your bond will also strengthen thanks to the quiet time together outdoors with nature. If you’re in a warmer climate, be sure to bring a bowl for the dog and a water bottle to ensure both of you quench your thirst.

Go To The Dog Park

Dog parks are amazing because they are full of other pups! You can chat with your dog park friends while your furry baby plays with his/hers. It’s a win-win situation!

Go For A Swim

Most dogs, especially labradors, love to swim. Swim side-by-side with your dog for a great workout. Just be sure to keep clear of the sharp nails as their legs will be paddling in overtime!

Go For A Run

Grab the leash and get going! Teach your dog to run by your side and to keep at your pace. Make sure you take lots of water breaks because your dog will be just as beat as you are!

Play Tug-Of-War

The physical exercise tug-of-war becomes is super underrated. Try taking the rope out of your dog’s mouth and you’ll know exactly what we mean! 10 minutes of this and your biceps will be on fire!

Play Catch

Last but especially not least, we have the old game of catch! What dog doesn’t enjoy chasing after a ball or frisbee after their owner has chucked it across the park?? Oh, and you’ll feel so satisfied once they learn to bring it back for another round!