Preparing meals is generally done according to what’s in your kitchen. Add a few of these less known exceptionally nutritious vegetables to your kitchen and increase the good health of your family:
Kohlrabi is a type of wild cabbage. Listed among the most nutritious foods on earth eat every morsel; there is nothing to discard on this plant. The stem is one of its most nutritious pats so use it all. It is a great disease fighter and filled with every vitamin and chemical necessity the body needs.

Kabocha is a delicious squash-like vegetable. It is know also as Japanese pumpkin. The Kabocha vegetable has beta-carotene, is lower in calories and can improve your looks, most notably in skin and hair, with its high source of vitamin A. This is a great vegetable alternative for those working to strengthen the eyes. This is a fantastic food to make soups and even desserts. It can be pureed and used to thicken other foods rather than using processed flours.

Crosnes is a snack right out of the soil, wash and pop it into your mouth. It has a sweet taste and is great on salads. This dish offers an exotic change from boring cooking. The nutty sweet flavor of this plant is delicious and is a nice substitute if you have a sweet tooth. This Chinese artichoke is listed in the mint family.

Try the Oca, which is a type of sweet potato or yam. It is not a regular staple in North America but is grown quite naturally in South America. It is filled with vitamins, iron, vitamin C and potassium. This delicious yam can easily be considered a fruit since it varies in taste. It is as sweet as an apricot depending upon the type variety you find.

Cardoons offer another alternative to great taste in the everyday menu. It is very high in antioxidants. It fights cholesterol and has luteolin and folic acid. This food is filled with products that fight multiple diseases.

Spigarello is easy to grow green. It is a cross between kale and the leaves of broccoli. However, you eat the leaves. It is delicious and is grown in the winter in some areas. It is hearty and adds to any nutritious diet.

Bintje is a potato-like food prepared deliciously as a French fry or other delectable potato dish. Fried or sauteed this small potato like food is delicious.

Nopales is a form of cactus and is very popular in Mexico. It is proclaimed to be a healthy food and is exclaimed for its high nutritious value. Juiced, it is quite delicious but the peeling of the needle-like spines is critical.

Dulse is vegetation found in the ocean. Holding fiber and vegetable protein, it is a delicious and healthy dish. Cooks in Iceland cook it often. It goes by the name of “Sol” and is turned into many delicious dishes. It is also rich in iodine.
