Happy 2018: 5 Nutrition Tips for the New Year

Published on 07/31/2019

Whether you’ve made a New Years resolution or not. And whether you’re sticking to it or not, it’s important to start somewhere. Taking a look at your lifestyle and diet could be a good starting point. Even just a small change could make a huge impact on your wellness. We’ve gathered five nutrition tips to help you lead your best year yet.

Nutrition Tips for the New Year

Happy 2018: 5 Nutrition Tips for the New Year

Stay Away From Sugary Beverages

I know, we’re starting with a dozy. However try to drink more water! And if you don’t like water much, opt for sparkling water with or without natural flavors is up to you. However make sure it isn’t sweetened from sugar, corn syrup, or artificial sweeteners. Or you could always add fresh fruit to your cup of water, such as kiwi, strawberries, blueberries, and so on.

Use A New Dinner Plate

Most of us don’t think about the size of our dinner places, but we should. BE sure to purchase a 9-inch dinner plate, don’t go back for “seconds,” and fill 2/3 of the plate with vegetables, whole grains, and fruits.

Exercise More

We were bound to bring this up at some point! Maybe you’re still in a post-holiday slump but getting back up and exercising will help improve your overall well-being and will kick-start 2018.

Exercise More

Exercise More

No Sweets After Dinner

Have something sweet with your dessert, but not after. No late night snacking! If you are really desperate for something, then choose a healthier option like fruits. But ultimately, stay from eating desserts after you’ve had dinner.

Cut Back On Alcohol

For at least a month! Alcohol has tons of calories, and the more you drink, the bigger you’ll get. We hate to put it so crudely, but it’s true. Cutting back on alcohol is a great way to keep off excess, unwanted calories.