Have you heard of white rain noise or a white noise generator? It is a new and awesome way to encourage relaxation, help you sleep, or work in peace. There are a number of companies offering “white noise generators” or “white noise machines” to drastically improve your quality of life.

What Is White Noise?
White noise sound that has all frequencies in equal proportion. It makes a signal with a spectrum that is flat. The goal is to create a natural sound similar to rain. Every drop of rain is independent and uncorrelated. A light rain generates a sound that has been proven to relax people.
It’s Great For Sleep
Your brain always craves inputs, even when you are asleep. Your brain continually searches for inputs and noises. For some people, this prevents them from falling and staying asleep. Many people that have used white noise say it blocks out these annoying noises and help them get a restful night. You can create a pleasant noise environment and cancel any sounds that might impact your sleep cycle.

You Can Use It At Work
We think this is a great addition to a home or work office! We have seen therapists use them around the world. They are also great for a home office if you have pets or small children. These white noise generators really have changed people’s lives, so if you are thinking about it, give it a try!
