Lavender oil has to be one of the most used oils in the world! There are many ways to use it in order to reap all of the amazing benefits. Due to its powerful antioxidant and antimicrobial properties, it can ease stress, anxiety, improve sleep, help the healing process, combat depression, and enhance your looks! So, want to know how to use this must-have oil? Here are some suggestions:

Natural Perfume
Lavender oil has an amazing scent! You can put it directly on your skin, or try diluting it with water or another oil for a more subtle scent. Want to know the best part? It certainly costs less than a perfume at the store and it will definitely relax you!

Natural Perfume
Non-toxic Air Freshener
Want your home to smell great too? Well, the same way you can use lavender oil as a perfume, you can use it as an air freshener! You can either spray it or use it with a diffusor. Many people use a diffusor in their bedrooms and say it greatly helps create a calming atmosphere before bedtime.

Save Your Stomach
The scent of lavender is also well known to be soothing for the stomach. If you are feeling a bit dizzy or know you might experience motion sickness, spray some oil on your skin. Try for example rubbing it on your temples, take some deep breathes, and see if it helps!