Studies have suggested that roughly 1 in 4 people suffers from some kind of mental disorder that is related to anxiety. Worrying is a feeling of showing major concern or anxiety about current situations or about things that are going to happen in the future. To many outsiders, worrying seems extremely illogical or silly, however, anxiety mentally affects millions of people around the world. Constant worrying can actually negatively impact a person’s life in a huge way, if you’re someone who suffers from anxiety, we’re here to help you. Take a look at the great ways to help you stop worrying

5 Ways To Help You Stop Worrying
Find A Relaxation Technique That’s Best For You
It’s practically impossible to be relaxed and anxious at the same time. This is why you need to relax the body in order to help calm down the mind and slow down your thoughts. There are numerous different techniques that can be used in order to help you relax and unwind, from breathing, mediation, art therapy or even listening to music. You can even experiment with different methods to help you find the best one that works for you.
Keep Positive Company
We all know that emotions can be very contagious, so the last thing anyone needs is to be surrounded by people who criticize, complain, or look at everything in the most negative way. It may be difficult to avoid such people in your life, especially they are friends, family or even work colleagues but in the long run, it will really be beneficial for your health. Choosing to be in the company of positive people will automatically increase your confidence and help you reduce your worries.
Keep A “Worry Journal”
This next approach has been highly recommended by many professionals. Try to keep a worry journal – basically, it is a journal that allows you to freely write about the anxieties that may be occupying your mind. This journal not only is a great outlet for your emotions but is the best place to keep your worries other than your mind. Additionally, it is a powerful way for you to work through difficult issues, concerns, and many intense feelings you may be having.
Try Mindfulness
For those who don’t know, mindfulness is a type of meditation in which one can focus on being intensely aware of their surroundings and what they are feeling in the moment, without any interruptions. Practicing mindfulness includes breathing techniques and other practices to helo the mind and body relax and reduce stress. So why can this be so helpful? Well, mindfulness can certainly help reduce worrying as it helps us to take note of when we start to get anxious. During this process, people need to focus on other things as well as what could be the trigger of their fears or disturbances.
Talk It Out
This next technique may not be the best for everyone, but it’s definitely worth a try. Sharing your thoughts and concerns with a trusted friend or family member may give you the relief your mind is looking for. Your loved ones can be a tremendous source of support that can easily provide you with advice and support, which can also give you a different perspective on all the things that you’re anxious about. Additionally, if you’re a chronic worrier, you may want to consider getting help from a professional who treats anxiety disorders. Another great approach is to look for social support groups for anxiety or distress.