Box Jellyfish
These almost transparent jellyfish can have 15 tentacles which can develop up to 10 feet long, these are then lined with thousands of cells that sting. These stinging cells are packed with toxins that attack the heart, skin cells, and nervous system. There is an antivenom however, the sting is so potent that the majority of people encounter heart failure or drown before making it to shore. Survivors may be in pain for weeks to come and

Box Jellyfish
Cone Snail
found in the tropical waters of the world these snails are easy to spot and even easier to avoid. Their shells give off a marbled appearance, they are found closer to shore and in shallower waters mainly by coral reefs or rock clusters. However, as enticing as they look steer clear of these 6inch brown and white cuties. Concealed beneath their shells are harpoon-like teeth which contain conotoxin- a dangerous venom. There is no antivenom for this just yet and they say you have enough time to smoke a cigarette before it kicks in and your nerves stop communicating with one another.

Cone Snail