Single Mom Brought Home The Lottery Jackpot But Can Money Really Buy Happiness?

Published on 04/13/2021

Time To Control Her Own Life

You have to be a brave person, rich or poor, to pick yourself up and start again when misfortune crops up. Marie Holmes, fortunately, mustered the strength to keep going despite all the bad news that befell her. The lottery winner was an inspiration as she tried to regain control of her own life. Things were getting out of control when she appeared on a talk show called Iyanla: Fix My Life. It runs on the Oprah Network and features a relationship expert by the name of Iyanla Vanzant. The host is also a life coach, motivational speaker, and author.

Time To Control Her Own Life

Time To Control Her Own Life


A Secret About The Ticket

Some lottery ticket buyers pick numbers that they consider lucky. It is not at all uncommon for these folks to use their wedding date or the birthday of their child in the hopes that this would forever change the course of their lives. When she appeared on the talk show, Marie Holmes revealed something shocking. It turns out that her mother had been the one to pick the numbers! She let Holmes go on thinking that these were random numbers. “I kept dreaming about your brother that we lost. On his birthday, he was the third child. He’d have been 25 that year. Those were the numbers,” her mother revealed. Holmes was in disbelief and asked why this was the first time that she has heard of this. Fontella, her mother, only said, ‘’I wanted her daughter and grandchildren to have a better life.’’

A Secret About The Ticket

A Secret About The Ticket