Single Mom Brought Home The Lottery Jackpot But Can Money Really Buy Happiness?

Published on 04/13/2021

A Pastor With His Own Agenda

There was a pastor by the name of Kevin Mathews who got in touch with the Holmes family. He was not a part of Pleasant Hill Missionary Baptist Church, nor did he know them before winning the lottery, but he said that “God led him to them.” The family believed in him and invited him to their house for services and advice. Pastor Mathews later felt so comfortable with them that he asked her for a million and a half dollars to create his own retreat. He claims that she agreed to this verbally, but they did not put the agreement in writing. Instead of waiting, the pastor set off to create the retreat using his own money.

A Pastor With His Own Agenda

A Pastor With His Own Agenda


He Went On To Sue Them

After some time, he came out and sued Marie Holmes for ten million bucks. No one knows how he came up with that number as the resort is only allegedly worth $1.5 million. A lot of people could tell that he was after her money. Perhaps he thought he could get away with this since she gave ten percent of her money to charity. Kevin Mathews did not have a strong case since they did not put any of it in writing. He later said, “Because of the emotional distress and mental stress they put me through, I had to start taking more medicine for anxiety and depression due to this situation.”

He Went On To Sue Them

He Went On To Sue Them