If a genie suddenly appeared and granted you a wish, what would you say? A lot of people will want the chance to bring home the lottery jackpot. They say that money can’t buy happiness, but it would at least get you a new car, a private jet, and a beautiful house. In 2015, Marie Holmes ended up winning the North Carolina Powerball lottery jackpot. As you can imagine, the poor single mother was thrilled to hear that she would bring home $188 million. A series of events led her drained both emotionally and emotionally, however. Some things are simply too good to be true, and this was one.

Single Mom Brought Home The Lottery Jackpot But Can Money Really Buy Happiness
She Deserved To Bring Home The Jackpot
You can say that Marie Holmes deserved the lottery jackpot more than most people. Back then, she was a 26-year-old woman looking after four children on her own. She worked at both the local Walmart and McDonald’s, which was not easy to do. However, she knew that it was her responsibility to look after her kids. Before becoming a millionaire overnight, she would juggle the two jobs to provide for her children. One of them had cerebral palsy, which made it even more difficult for the family. There was a lot of pressure on the single mother who just wanted to give her kids the best she had to offer.

She Deserved To Bring Home The Jackpot