Her Wildest Wish Came True One Fateful Day
In February 2015, she heard that the North Carolina Powerball’s jackpot was sitting at $564 million. This is the reason she headed to the local gas station and shelled out a few dollars for a ticket. Once she returned to their trailer home, she found out that she won! “I thought I was going to have a heart attack when I saw the ticket and checked it,” she admitted. There were two other people with the winning tickets, so she only got a third of it. The winners have to fill out some papers to confirm that they won. After that, they have to play the waiting game before the money is dispersed. Lastly, the winners have to make the call whether to get it all in a lump sum or installments spread out over three decades.

Her Wildest Wish Came True One Fateful Day
The Choice Was Up To Her
A lottery winner must decide whether to bring home millions of dollars in one go or receive it in installments over thirty years. Marie Holmes tried to weigh the pros and cons of the options in front of her. There were many things to consider, and it is not as easy a choice as one might think. For one thing, the lump payment was worth a lot less. Experts believe that it is a good idea to get the whole lump sum and then invest it. Doing so would make a lot of profit over the course of thirty years and then exceed the amount of the other option. We do not typically hear much about the people who take their winnings in installments, as most people prefer to get it in a lump sum instead.

The Choice Was Up To Her