Single Mom Brought Home The Lottery Jackpot But Can Money Really Buy Happiness?

Published on 04/13/2021

She Made Good On The Promise

Marie Holmes made sure to keep her integrity intact despite everything that has happened to her. For one thing, she made good on the promise to give away ten percent of her winnings. This was equal to a total of $9.7 million! The tithe partly created a charity called the Marie Holmes Foundation, which was patterned after her own life experience before winning the jackpot. Let us not forget that she had been a single mom working two low-wage jobs providing for her four kids. On top of regular bills, she also had to pay medical bills for her child with cerebral palsy. The charity provides for families and children in need. It often holds big events and hands out toys and school supplies.

She Made Good On The Promise

She Made Good On The Promise


Even Though She Is A Christian

We all know that she is a devout Catholic. It is odd that Marie Holmes even purchased a ticket as the church does not approve of gambling to some people. On the other hand, some people think that this is hypocritical. “You can’t be against the lottery, but your youth department is doing a RAFFLE! Same thing, pastor. SAME THING!” a pastor shared with The Christian Post, “You can’t be against the lottery, and you have a prize of $500 for whoever brings the most people on family and friends day.”

Even Though She Is A Christian

Even Though She Is A Christian