Single Mom Brought Home The Lottery Jackpot But Can Money Really Buy Happiness?

Published on 04/13/2021

On The Other Hand

A different pastor with a different opinion was also cited in the Christian Post article. He cited certain passages in the bible that called money the root of all evil. “Now, having said that, let me tell you that the biblical principles that would dissuade a Christian from gambling are several. First, we must guard against our love of money.,” he said. “In Scripture, there are instances of casting lots but usually not for material gain. It rather emphasizes the sovereignty of God. For example, Proverbs 16:33 says, ‘’The lot is cast into the lap, but it’s every decision from the Lord.”

On The Other Hand

On The Other Hand


If You Find Yourself In Her Shoes

Marie Holmes got to experience going from rags to riches in a brief period of time. Many good things came with it, although there were plenty of bad things as well. It might be a good idea to read this story before you make important financial decisions. If you ever win the lottery, you need to understand the processes and tax laws before making a call to receive your winnings. You have to ensure that you sign the ticket to prevent theft accusations. Do not forget to cash it in before the ticket expires! Lastly, you have every right in the world to spend your winnings on improving your life, but things can fly over your head like you would not believe. A financial advisor is a worthy investment if you do not want your money to disappear in the blink of an eye!

If You Find Yourself In Her Shoes

If You Find Yourself In Her Shoes